Solution Focused Tactical Flying
Adding value to your
business is our
Ultimate Goal
More Than Just A Pilot – A Trade And Engineering Background Means; Understanding Your Needs, Creating Value And Reducing Effort.
Understanding how industry operates makes integrating drones safe and efficient. CASA certified, flights only with Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) holders, overseen by a Remote Operators Certificate (ReOC) holder.
25 years of heavy industry experience as a qualified Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering professional, means that your Chief Remote Pilot has first hand knowledge of the issues impacting managers and supervisors in the mining, port and industrial workplaces. Additionally, being a qualified trades person as well, means seamlessly communicating with coal-face workers and management alike.
Obtaining those perfect shots that prove a task complete or a clip that showcases the scale and complexity of the works comes from having direct project management experience.
We know that you benefit from actionable data so you can make informed decisions in a timely manner.
Let us help you save time and effort.
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